Kevin Modany is a noted entrepreneur specializing in servicing Strategic Planning, Leadership, Executive Management, Performance Management, and Due Diligence services. Modany has operated as the Managing Director at BlueRock Partners since he was appointed in 2016.
In the intervening years since his appointment at BlueRock Partners, Modany has developed an executive management strategy and consulting services for professionals in various industries. Modany has long specialized in guiding teams to more prosperous outcomes, and he utilized that knowledge while sitting down in an interview with Ideamensch.
The Building Blocks of a Better Entrepreneur
Great entrepreneurs are not born. They are built through repetition and hard work. Kevin Modany begins every morning while most people are still sleeping, taking this extra time to catch up on all the necessary emails and correspondences for his day to be a success.
An early riser, Modany has always focused on putting his best foot forward when dealing with clients and customers. To keep his day productive and always forward-pressing, Modany likes to create prolific lists that give him a direction to work toward.
Modany says that his best trait has been his affinity for list-making. Modany likes to keep his day productive by focusing on a list of projects and updating it weekly as he requires.
Modany says, “That keeps me focused, and the way I manage business, we have goals, objectives, and KPIs. I keep all the work streams aligned to the individual KPIs and goals. So it’s all garnered around that.”
No matter how busy his day gets, Modany understands that entrepreneurs should focus on maintaining their health, which means slipping away for a workout. Modany likes to run and perform resistance training to ensure he is always focused and ready to go.
Bringing New Ideas to Life
Kevin Modany understands that as a leader at BlueRock Partners, he must be able to develop and bring ideas to life as required. This is an important trait that every entrepreneur should take time to develop.
Modany says, “If I come up with an idea, I’ll typically verbalize it or write it into an email and summarize it and share it with people.”
Sharing his concept with folks is just one part of the creation process, as he has to win them over with his planning and detail-oriented work. Modany likes to have detailed information to sway individuals with the facts while supporting his creation.
Modany says, I’ve been able to see the whole picture, from micro to macro, strategically and operationally.