Confusion between affiliate marketing and network marketing or multi-level marketing is quite interesting. Some people even think the affiliate marketing business and the network marketing business is fraud. While others think they are one and the same as different names. In this article, we will discuss and see definitions, differences and some misunderstandings. At the end of this article, we should be able to provide clarity.
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing system where a business of a person’s reward or affiliate for each visitor or customer brought by the marketing efforts of the person itself.
What is network marketing?
Network marketing is very different. Here marketers are associated with certain products they like or believe, which they then buy from their suppliers and resold to the public with profit. Before marketers began selling larger company products, he signed several paper work that gave him a small franchise of a big business.
Difference between affiliate marketing and network marketing.
In affiliate marketing, affiliates do not sell any products directly. They are just a funnel, or an advertising board that tells people where to go and buy the product. You don’t need to buy anything, but you will still make money just to tell people where to get the product. Affiliates get commissions when people they call a website buy something, so in this way the company pays to lead good and they will be paid generously.
In network marketing, the foundation is growing a team. You can start with one person (also known as the bottom line) which then introduces the next person and that person introduces the other and the chain continues to run. The beauty of network marketing is that it is a number game. The more lines down the individual you have below you, the greater your team, the more money you make.
Another difference is that in affiliate marketing, commissions are usually paid at a single level depending on business law in various countries.
In network marketing, commissions are paid at unlimited underline levels. “More In” you build more closely with residual income.
Who brings more money?
Depending on your business goals, affiliate marketing can make you a fortune worthy in a few years if it can get a good number of customers to buy your affiliate company products.
While network marketing can generate more income than you can understand if you consistently work hard. If you belong to the 10 top-structured network marketing business, which must have rare provisions in their company’s policies such as making businesses can. So you work business and after you stop working, you can hand it to the next person. And that person doesn’t start from the beginning but keeps from where you stop. Recommendations from one such company can be found at the end of this article.
What affiliate marketing and network marketing are not.
Do you decide to do affiliate marketing or network marketing, once you have a good understanding of each, you will be sure that:
1. This is not a pyramid scheme.
2. This is not a business “getting rich fast”.
3. This is not for non-business mind people.
4. Not for those who want the “good item” business.
5. This is not a one-person show. This requires people with shared business goals to develop.